
A Bookshelf for My Son


My wife and I love to read to our son. And because of this, we've acquired a fair number of books that are kept in his room and in our family room. So it only made sense to design a book shelf just for his books. I chose to make this book shelf capable of holding all types of his books, both large and small.

Family room bookshelf design

Because this book shelf is intended to serve our children for years to come, I intentionally crafted it without any metal. Instead, I chose to use tight fittings and wood glue. Just like the shoe rack I made a few weeks back, this book shelf is also made from scrap MDF board left over from the making of my work bench.

Family room bookshelf construct

The morning after constructing the shelf, I gave it a base coat of white semi-gloss latex paint. Later that same day, I painted it Winnie-the-Pooh yellow.

Family room bookshelf painted

With the color chosen, it only made sense to print out a few full-color stickers of E.H. Shepard's illustrations of Pooh and the ubiquitous honeybees that accompanied A.A. Milne's original storybook classic. I hope this bookshelf is something that my kids will enjoy for years to come.

Family room bookshelf with Pooh stickers

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